2 a This is the first commandement of the seconde table and hathe the promes with condition.
3 ! How children shulde behaue them selues towarde their fathers and mothers.
4 c That they be not broght vp in wantonnes, but in the feare of the Lord.
4 ! Likewise parents towarde their children.
5 d Which haue dominion ouer your bodies, but not ouer the soules.
5 ! Seruants towarde their masters
9 ! Master towarde their seruants.
9 / Or, bothe yours & their masters.
9 e Whether he be seruant or master.
11 / Or, complet harnesse.
12 f The faithful haue not only to striue against men and them selues, but against Satan the spiritual enemie, who is most dangerous: for he is ouer our heades so that we can not reache him, but he must be resisted by Gods grace.
13 ! An exhortation to the spiritual battel and what weapons the Christians shulde fight with all.
14 g Innocencie & godlie life.
15 h That ye may be ready to suffer all things for the Gospel.
17 i The saluation purchased by Jesus Christ.
24 k Or to be with our corruption that is, to haue life euerlasting, which is the end of this grace.