0 ! Paul being warned by the holie Gost to go to Macedonia, planted first a Church at Philippi, a citie of the same countrey: but because his charge was to preache the Gospel vniuersally to all the Gentiles, he trauailed from place to place, til at length he was taken prisioner at Rome, whereof the Philippians being aduertised, sent their minister Epaphroditus with relief vnto him: who declaring him the state of the Church, caused him to write this Epistle, wherein he commendeth them that they stode manfully against the false apostles, putting them in minde of his good wil to warde them, and exhorteth them that his imprisonment make them not to shrinke: for the Gospel thereby was confirmede and not diminished: especially he desireth them to flee ambition, and to embrace modestie, promising to send Timotheus vnto them, who shulde instruct them in matters more amply yea, and that he him self wolde also come vnto them, adding likewise the cause of their ministers so long abode. And because there were no greater enemies to the crosse then the false apostles, he confuteth their false doctrine, by prouing onely Christ to be the end of all true religion, with whome we haue all things, and without whome we haue nothing, so that his death is our life, and his resurrection our justification. After this followe certeine admonitions bothe particular and general, with testification of his affection towarde them, and thankeful accepting of their beneuolence.