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0 ! Forasmuche as diuers, bothe of the Greke writers and Latines witnesse, that the writer of this Epistle for juste causes wolde not haue his name knowen, it were curiositie of our parte to labour muche therein. For seing the Spirit of God is the autor thereof, it diminisheth nothing the autoritie, althogh we knowe not with what penne he wrote it. Whether it were Paul (as it is not like) or Luke, or Barnabas, or Clement, or some other, his chief purpose is to persuade vnto the Ebrewes (whereby he principally meaneth them that abode at Jerusalem, and vnder them all the rest of the Jewes) that Christ Jesus was not onely the redemer, but also that at his comming all ceremonies must haue an end: forasmuche as his doctrine was the conclusion of all the prophecies, and therefore not onely Moses was inferior to him, but also the Angels: for they were seruants, and he the Lord, but so Lord, that he hathe also taken our flesh, and is made our brother to assure vs of our saluation through him self: for he is that eternal Priest, whereof all the Lueitical Priests were but shadowes, and therefore at his comming they oght to cease, and all sacrifices for sinne to be abolished, as he proueth from the seuenth chap. verse 11. vnto the 12 chap. verse 18. Also he was the Prophet of whome all the Prophetes in time past witnessed, as is declared from the 12 chapter, verse 18 to the twentie and fiue verse of the same chapter: yea, and is the King to whome all things are subject, as appeareth from that verse 25 to the beginning of the last chapter. Wherefore according to the examples of the olde fathers we must constantly beleue in him, that being sanctified by his justice, taught by his wisdome, and grouerned by his power, we may stedfastly, and courageously perseure euen to the end in hope of that joye that is set before our eyes, occupying our selues in Christian exercise that we may bothe be thankeful to God, and duetiful to our neighbour.