0 ! Among many other Prophetes that God raised vp to admonsh the Israelites of his plagues for their wickednes and idolatrie, he stirred vp Amos, who was an herdman or shepherd of a poore towne, and gaue him bothe knowledge and constancie to reproue all estates and degrees, and to denounce Gods horrible judgements against them, except thei did in time repent: shewing them, that if God spare not the other nacions about them, who had liued as it were in ignorance of God in respect of them, but for their sinnes wil punish them, that thei colde loke for nothing, but an horrible destruction except thei turned to the Lord by vnfained repentance. And finally, he comforteth the godlie with hope of comming of the Messiah, by whome thei shulde haue perfite deliuerance and saluacion.