6 / Ebr. bene right in thine eyes.
7 / Ebr. to the heart of thy seruants.
8 c Where the moste resorte of the people hanted.
13 fBy this policie Dauid thoght that by winning or the captaine, he shulde haue the hearts of all the people.
19 h For in his aduersitie he was his moste cruel enemie, & now in his prosperitie seketh by flatterie to crepe in to fauour.
20 i By Joseph he meaneth Ephraim, Manasseh, and Benjamin (whereof he was) because these thre were vnder one standerd, {Nomb 2,18}
29 n Dauid did euil in taking his lands from him before he knewe the cause, but muche worse, that knowing the trueth he did not restore them.
35 o He thoght it not meete to receiue benefites of him to whome he was not able to do seruice againe.
39 / Or, bade him fare wel.
40 r Which had taken parte with the King.
41 s Towarde Jerusalem.