1 a In taking that which was commanded to be destroied.
1 ! The Lord is angry with Achan.
2 b This was a citie of the Amorites: for there was another so called among the Ammonites, {Jere. 49,3}. The first Ai is called Aiath, {Isaiah. 10,28}.
4 ! They of Ai put the Israelites to flight.
5 c God wolde by this ouerthrowe make them more earnest to search out and punish the sinne committed.
6 ! Joshua prayeth to the Lord.
7 d This infirmitie of his faith sheweth how we are inclined of nature to distrust.
9 e When thine enemies shal blaspheme thee, & say, that thou wast not able to defend vs from them.
12 f Then, to suffre wickednes vnpunished is, to refuse God wilingly.
13 g Meaning the man that toke of the thing forbidden.
15 h That is, founde gyltie ether by lottes, or by the judgement of Vrim, {Nomb. 27,21}.
16 ! Joshua inquireth out him that sinned, and stoneth him & all his.
19 i By declaring the trueth: for God is glorified when the trueth is confessed.
21 k Suche a riche garment as the states of Babylon did weare.
24 m This judgement onely apperteineth to God, and to whome he wil reueile it: to man he hathe commanded not to punishe the childe for the fathers faute, {Deut. 24,16}.
24 l Some read, a plate: others, a rod, and some a tongue.
25 n He declareth that this is Gods judgement, because he had offended, and caused other to be slaine.