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0 In this boke the holie Gost setteth moste liuely before our eyes the accomplishement of Gods promes, who as he promised by the mouthe of Moses, that a Prophet shulde be raised vp vnto the people like vnto him, whome he wileth to obey, {Deut. 1815}: so he sheweth him selfe here true in his promes, as at all other times, and after the deathe of Moses his faithful seruant, he raiseth vp Ioshua to be ruler and gouernour ouer his people, that nether they shulde be discouraged for lacke of a captaine, nor haue occasion to distrust Gods promes hereafter. And because that Ioshua might be confirmed in his vocation, and the people also might haue none occasion to grudge, as thogh he were not approued of God: he is adorned with moste excellent giftes and graces of God, bothe to gouerne the people with counsel, and to defend them with strength, that he lacked nothing which ether belonged to a valiant captaine or a faithful minister. So he ouercometh all difficulties and bringeth them in to the land of Canaan: the which according to Gods ordinance he deuideth among the people and appointeth their borders: he establisheth lawes and ordinances, and putteth them in remembrance of Gods manifolde benefites, assuring them of his grace and fauour, if the obey God, and contrariewise of his plagues and vengeance, if they disobey him. This historie doeth represent Jesu Christ the true Joshua, who leadeth vs into eternal felicitie, which is signified vnto vs by this land of Canaan. From the beginning of the Genesis to the end of this boke are conteined 2597 yeres. For from Adam vnto the flood are 1656. from the flood vnto the departure of Abraham out of Caldea, 363. and from thence to the death of Joseph 290. So that the Genesis couteineth 2390. Exodus 140. the other thre bokes of Moses 40. Ioshua 27. So the whole maketh 2597 yeres.