¶ 1 A Psalme of David. O Lord, I call vpon thee: haste thee vnto me: heare my voyce, when I cry vnto thee.
2 Let my prayer be directed in thy sight as incense, and the lifting vp of mine hands as an euening sacrifice.
4 Incline not mine heart to euill, that I should commit wicked workes with men that worke iniquitie: and let me not eate of their delicates.
5 Let the righteous smite me: for that is a benefite: and let him reprooue me, and it shalbe a precious oyle, that shall not breake mine head: for within a while I shall euen pray in their miseries.
6 When their iudges shall be cast downe in stonie places, they shall heare my wordes, for they are sweete.