¶ 1 To him that excelleth. A Psalme of Dauid. The heauens declare the glory of God, and the firmament sheweth ye worke of his hands.
4 Their line is gone forth through all the earth, and their words into the endes of the world: in them hath he set a tabernacle for the sunne.
5 Which commeth forth as a bridegrome out of his chamber, and reioyceth like a mightie man to runne his race.
6 His going out is from the ende of the heauen, and his compasse is vnto the endes of ye same, and none is hid from the heate thereof.
7 The Lawe of the Lord is perfite, conuerting the soule: the testimonie of the Lord is sure, and giueth wisedome vnto the simple.
8 The statutes of the Lord are right and reioyce the heart: the commandement of the Lord is pure, and giueth light vnto the eyes.
9 The feare of the Lord is cleane, and indureth for euer: the iudgements of the Lord are trueth: they are righteous altogether,
10 And more to be desired then golde, yea, then much fine golde: sweeter also then honie and the honie combe.
13 Keepe thy seruant also from presumptuous sinnes: let them not reigne ouer me: so shall I be vpright, and made cleane from much wickednes.