A psalm of Asaph.
1 THe mighty God, the Lord hath spoke,
and he the earth doth call,
from the uprising of the Sun,
thereof unto the fall.
2 The mighty God hath clearly shinn’d
out of the mount Sion,
which is of beauty excellent
the full perfection.
3 Our God shall come, and not be still
fire shall waste in his sight;
and round about him shall be rais’d
a storm of vehement might.
4 His folk to judge he from above
calls heavens, and earth likewise,
5 Bring me my Saints, that cov’nant make
with me by sacrifice.
6 And the heavens shall his righteousness
shew forth apparently:
because the mighty God himself
a righteous judge will be. Selah.
7 Hear, o my people, and I will
speak, I will testify
also to thee o Israel,
I even thy God am I.
8 As for thy sacrifices I
will find no fault with thee,
or thy burnt off’rings, which have been
at all times before me.
9 Ile take no bullocks, nor he-goats
from house, or folds of thine.
10 For forest beasts, and cattle all
on thousand hills are mine.
11 The flying fouls of the mountains
all of them do I know:
and every wild beast of the field
it is with me also.
12 If I were hungry I would not
it unto thee declare:
for mine the habitable world,
and fullness of it are.
13 Of bullocks eat the flesh, or drink
the blood of goats will I?
14 Thanks offer unto God, and pay
thy vows to the most high.
15 And in the day of trouble sore
do thou unto me cry,
and I will thee deliver, and
thou me shalt glorify.
16 But to the wicked God saith, why
dost thou the mention make
of my statutes, why in thy mouth
should’st thou my cov’nant take?
17 Sith thou dost hate teaching and dost
my words behind thee cast.
18 When thou didst see a thief, then thou
with him consented hast;
And likewise with adulterers
thy part hath been the same.
19 Thy mouth to evil thou dost give,
and guile thy tongue doth frame,
20 Thou fittest, thou dost speak against
the man that is thy brother:
and thou dost slander him that is
the son of thine own mother.
21 These things hast thou committed, and
in silence I kept close:
that I was altogether like
thy self, thou didst suppose:
I’ll thee reprove, and in order
before thine eyes them set.
22 O therefore now consider this
ye that do God forget:
Lest I you tear, and there be not
any deliverer.
23 He glorifieth me that doth
praise unto me offer.
24 And he that doth order aright
his conversation,
to him will I give that he may
see Gods salvation.