1 a As esteming faith and religion by the outwarde appearance of men.
1 / Or, acceptacion.
5 c Seing God estemeth them, we may not coatemne them.
7 d The Name of God and Christ, whereof you make profession: & in that they dishonour God, it is not mete that you his children shulde honour them.
8 e Which is here taken prouerbially, for the high or brode way, wherein there is not turnings, and euerie man can go it: so euerie man is our neighbour, as wel the poore as the riche.
8 ! To be louing and merciful.
14 h S. Paul to the Romans and Galatians disputeth against them, which attributed justification to the workes: & here S. James reasoneth against them which vtterly condemne workes: therefore Paul sheweth the causes of our justification, and James the effects: there it is declared how we are justified: here how we are knowen to be justified: there workes are excluded as not the cause of our justification: here they are approued as effects proceding thereof: there they are denied to go before them that shal be justified and here they are said to followe them that are justified.
18 / Or, with one workes.
18 k Here dedes are considered as joyned with true faith.
22 m The more his faith was declared by his obedience and good workes, the more was it knowen to men to be perfite, as the goodnes of a tre is knowen by her good frute, other wise nom man can haue perfection in this worlde: for euerie man must pray for remission of his sinnes, & increase of faith.
24 o Of that baren and dead faith whereof ye boast.