1 b This prerogatiue was peculiar to the Apostles.
6 d That is, to be partakers of the saluation offred frely by Christ.
6 ! Paul rebuketh their inconstancie which suffred them selues to be seduced by the false apostles who preached that the obseruation of the ceremonies of the Law where necessarie to saluation.
7 e For what is more contrarie to our fre iustification by faith, then the justification by the Law, or our workes? therefore to joyne these two together, is to joyne light with darkenes, death with life, & doeth vtterly ouerthrow the Gospel.
8 f If it were possible, that an Angel shulde so do: wherby Paul declareth the certeinetie of his preaching.
8 / Or, abominable.
13 ! He sheweth his owne conuersation, magnifieth his office & Apostleship, and declareth him self to be equal with the chief Apostles.
14 / Or, age.
15 l He maketh thre degrees in Gods eternal predestination: first his eternal counsel, then his appointing from the mothers wombe, & thirdly his calling.
16 / Or, to me.