1 ! He declareth that justification is a fre gift euen by them them selues, of whome the Jewes moste boasted as of Abraham and Dauid.
1 a That is, by workes.
5 d That dependeth not on his workes, nether thinketh to merit by them.
12 g This may not be vnderstande of the frutes of faith: (for thereof the Apostle doeth hereafter expresly intreat) but of the faith it self.
14 k If it be requisit to fulfil the Law for him that shalbe of Abrahams inheritance, then it is in vaine to beleue the promes: for it seruth to no vse.
15 m That is no breache of comandement.
15 ! And also by the office of the Law & faith.
17 p Abraham be gate the circumcised euen by the vertue of faith and not by the power of nature, which was extinguished: so the Gentils which were nothing, are called by the power of God to be of the nomber of the faithful.
17 o By a spiritual kinred which God chiefly accepteth.
19 q But moste strong & constant.