1 ! Of him that was borne blinde.
3 a God doeth not alwayes punish men for their sinnes.
4 b When opportunitie & the season serueth.
6 c This was not for any vertue that was in the earth, in the spittle, or in the claye to make one se: but it onely pleased him to vse these signes & meanes.
7 d Hereby was prefigured the Messias, who shulde be sent vnto them.
11 ! The confession of him that was borne blinde.
21 e They durst not speake the trueth for feare they shulde be excommunicate.
24 f That is, Consider that nothing is hid from God: therefore tel vs the trueth that God may be glorified thereby, {Jos.7,29, 1 sam. 6,5}
25 g He spake this in mockery.
26 h they thoght either to driue him from the trueth, or to make him swerue by their oft times examining him: which practise Satans members euer do obserue in examing the Christians.
27 i He derideth their wilful malice and ignorance.
30 k They douted not of his countrey or parents, but of his office and autoritie.
31 l Or, wicked men, contemners of God & suche as delite in sinne.
35 / Or, excommunicate him.
38 m As all astonished he fel downe & worshipped him.
39 n Meaning, that rule & autoritie, to make the poore blinde to se, and the proude seers blinde.
39 ! To what blinde men Christ giueth sight.
41 o You shude not be so muche in faute.