1 ! Jesus is broght before Pilate and Herode.
7 b To rid his hands, and to gratifie Herode.
8 / Or, miracle.
9 d For Christ came not to defend himself, nehter yet wolde please the vaine curiositie of this tyrant.
11 e Communely this was a to be of honour, or excellencie: but it was giuen to Christ in mockage.
11 / Or, in bright colour.
17 f For the Romains had giuen suche franches & liberties to the Jewes, which was but a tradition, & not according to the worde of God.
22 g The judge giueth sentence with Christ, before he condemneth him, whereby plainely appeareth Jesus innocencie.
33 ! Christ crucified.
35 i Whome God hathe before all others appointed to be the Messias: othewise the Scriptures calleth them the elect of God, whome he hathe chosen before all beginning to life euerlasting.
38 l That the thing might be knowen to all nacions, because these thre languages were moste commune.
40 m The condemnacion which thou now suffrest, causeth it thee not to feare God?
47 o The Romaine Captaine who had charge ouer an hundreth men.
51 p He loked for the redemer, by whome all shulde be restored.
54 r That is, began the same euening.