1 ! Christ teacheth by a similitude, that God is detter vnto no man, and how he alway calleth men to his labour.
2 a Which was called denarius, & was of value about foure pence halfe penie of olde money, and was communely a workemans hier.
3 b They deuided the day in to twelue houres, so that the third was the fourth part of the ??? , six of the cloke was one, nine was thre of the clocke after dyner, & the eleuenth houre was an houre before the sunne sete.
16 d Therefore euerie man in his vocation, as he is called first, oght to go forwarde, & encourage others, seing the hyer is indifferent for all.
22 e He setteth the crosse before their eyes to drawe them from ambition, calling it a cup to signifie the measure of the afflictions, which God hathe ordeined for euerie man: the which thing also he calleth baptismes.