2 a He so calleth them because they so boasted of them selues, or because thei were giuen to wantonnes & deintines.
5 c In these places thei worshipped new idoles, which afore time serued for the true honour of God: therefore he saith that these shal not saue them.
13 h God wil so plague them that thei shal not suffer the godlie once to open their mouthes to admonish them of their fautes.
18 k Thus he speaketh because the wicked & hypocrites said thei were content to abide Gods judgements where as the godlie tremble & feare, {Jere. 30,7}, {joel 2, 11}, {zeph. 1, 15}
22 l Because ye haue corrupt my true seruice & remaine obstinate in your vices, {Isa. 1, 11}, {iere. 6, 10}.
24 m Do your dutie to God & to your neighbour, & so ye shal fele his grace plentifully, if you shewe your abundant affections according to Gods worde.