1 a Vnder pretence of religion, and holiness in making an image to his idole, Bel, he soght his wone ambition and vaine glorie: and this declareth, that he was not touched with the true feare of God beforee, but that he confessed him on a sudden motion as the wicked, when thei are ouercome with the greatnes of his workes. The Greke interpreters write that this was done 18 yeres after the dreame, and as may appeare the King feared lest the Jewes by their religion shulde haue altered the state of his comjmune wealth, and therefore he ment to bring all to one kinde of religion, and so rather soght his wone quietnes, the Gods glorie.
2 b Shewing, that the idole is not knowen for an idole so long as he is with the workman: but when the ceremonies and customes are recited, & vsed and the consent of the people is there, then of a blocke they think they haue made a god.
2 c This was sufficient with the wicked at all times to approue their religion, if the Kings autoritie were alledged for the establishment thereof, not considering in the meane season what Gods worde did permit.
4 d These are the two dangerous weapons wherewith Satan vseth punishment: for thogh some feared God , yet the multitude, which consented to the wickednes, astonied them: & here the King required not an inward consent, but an outward gesture, that the Jewes might by litle & litle learne to forget their true religion.
8 ! Certeine are accused because thei despised the Kings commandment, and are put into a burning ouen.
12 e It semeth, that thei named not daniel because he was greatly in the Kings fauour, thinking if these thre had bene destroyed, they might haue had better occasion to accuse Daniel: and this declareth that this policie of erecting this image was inuented by the malicious flatteres, which soght nothing but the destruyction of the Jewes, whome they accussed of rebellion & ingratitude.
15 f Signifying, that he wolde receiue them to grace, if they wolde now at the length obey his decre.
16 g For they shulde haue done injurie to God, if they shulde haue douted in this holie cause, & therefore they say, that they are resolued to dye for Gods cause.
17 h They grounde on two pointes, first in the power, & prouidence of God ouer them, and secondly on their cause, which was Gods glorie, and the testifying of his true religion, with their blood & so make open confession, that they wil not so much as outwardly consent to idolatrie.
19 i This declareth that the more that tyrants rage, & the more witty they shewe them selues in inuenting strange, and cruel punishements, the more is God glorified by his seruants to whome he giueth pacience and constancie to abide the crueltie of their punishment: for ehter he deliuereth them from death or els for this life giueth them a better.
25 k For the Angels were called the sonnes of God, because of their excellencie: therefore the King called this Angel, whome God sent to comfort his in these great torments, the sonne of God.
26 l This commendeth their obedience vnto God that they wolde not for any feare departe out of this fornace til the time was appointed, as Noah remained in the Arke til the Lord called him forthe.
28 m He wasmoued by the greatnes of the miracle to praise God, but his heart was not touched. And here we se that miracles are not sufficient to conuert men to God, but that doctrine must chiefly be ajioyned, without the which there can be no faith.
29 n If this heathen King moued by Gods Spirit, wolde not se blasphemie vnpunished, but made a Law and set a punishement to suche transgressers, muche more oght all they that professe religion, take order that such impietie reigne not, lest according as their knowledge & charge is greater, so they suffer double punishment.