1 Vers. 1. The dore of the Temple r and from vnder the thresholde yssued out waters, which came out of the South side, and ran towarde the East. Loke in the great figure. 11.
1 a Whereby are ment the spiritual graces that shulde by giuen to the Church vnder the kingdome of Christ.
1 ! The vision of the waters that came out of the Temple.
8 d Shewing that the abundance of these graces shulde be so great, that all the worlde shulde be full thereof, which is here ment by the Persian sea or Generareth, & the sea called Mediterraneun, {Za 14,8}
8 e The waters which of nature are salt & vnholsome, shalbe made swete & comfortable.
10 h Thei shalbe here of all sortes, and in as great abundance as in the great Ocean where they are bred.
10 f Signifying that when God bestoweth his mercies in suche abundance, the ministers shal by their preaching winne many.
12 / Or, for bruses and sores.