1 ! The worde of the Lord against false prophetes, which teache the people the counsels of their owne hearts.
7 d Ye promised peace to this people & now ye se their destruction so that it is manifest, that ye are false prophetes.
10 g Where as the true Prophetes prophecied the destruction of the citie to bring the people to repentance, the false Prophetes spake the contrarie & flattered them in their vanities, so that what one false prophet said, (which is here called the buylding of the wall) another false Prophet wold affirme, thogh he had nether occasion nor good ground to beare him.
18 i These supersticions women for lucre wolde prophecie & tel euerie man his fortune, giuing the pillowes to leane vpon & kerchefes to couer their heades, to the intent they might the more allure them and bewitch them.
19 l These forcerers made the people beliue that they colde preserue life of destroy it, and that it shulde come to euerie one according as thei prophecied.
19 k Wil ye make my worde to serue your bellies?