6 b He sheweth that the judgements of God euer watch to destroy the sinners, which not withstanding he delayeth til there by no more hope of repentance.
7 d Which was a voyce of joye, and mirth.l
10 f That is, the proude tyrant Nebuchadnezzar hathe gathered his force & is ready.
11 h Their owne affliction shal haue no regarde to lament for others.
12 i For the present profite.
13 n No man for all this, indeuoreth him self or taketh heart to repent for his euil life. Some read, for none shalbe strengthened in his iniquitie of his life: meaning, that thei shulde gaine nothing by flattering them selves in euil.
13 l In the yere of the Jubile, meaning, that none shulde enjoye the priuiledge of the Law, {Leui. 25,13}, for they shuld all be caryed away captiues.
13 m This vision signified, that all shulde be caryed away, and none shulde returne for the Jubile.
23 t That is, of sinnes that deserue death.