1 a The Prophet by this song doeth set before the peoples eyes their ingratitude, and Gods mercie.
1 b That is, to God.
1 c Meaning, that he had planted his Church in a place moste plentiful and abundant.
2 e In the seuenth verse he declareth what thei were.
3 f He maketh them judges in their owne cause, for as muche as it was euident that they were the cause of their owne ruine.
5 g I wil take no more care for it: meaning that he wolde take from them his worde & ministers, & all other comfortes, & send them contrarie plagues.
7 h Judgement and righteousnes are true frutes of the feare of God, and therefore in the crule oppressers, there is no religion.
7 i Of them that are oppressed.
8 k To wit, for the poore to dwell in.
10 n Which conteineth an hundreth pottels.
10 o An Ephah conteineth ten pottels, & is in drye things as muche as bath is in licours.
11 p That spare no peine nor diligence to followe their lustes.
11 q Which are neuer weary of their rioting and excessiue pleasures: but vse all meanes to prouoke to the same.
13 s That is, shal certeinly go: for so the Prophetes vse to speake, as thogh the thing which shal come to passe, were done already.
13 t Because thei wolde not obey the worde of God.
14 u Meaning, the graue shal swallowe vp them that shal dye for hungre and thirst, and yet for all this great destruction it shal neuer be saciate.
17 x God comforteth the poore lambes of his Church, which had bene strangers in other contreis promising that they shulde dwel in those places againe, whereof thei had bene depriued by the fat, and cruel tyrants.
19 z He sheweth what are the wordes of the wicked, when they are menaced with Gods judgements, {2 Pet. 3,4}.
25 e He sheweth that God had so fore punished this people, that the dumme creatures, if they had bene so plagued, wolde haue bene more sensible, and therefore his plagues must continue, til they begin to fele them.
26 f He wil make the Babylonians to come against them at his becke, and to fight vnder his standerd.
27 h The enemie shal haue none impediment.
30 l In the land of Judah.