2 c When the kingdome of Christ shalbe enlarged by the preaching of the doctrine. Here also is declared the zeale of the children of God, when they are called.
2 b In an euident place to be sene and discerned.
2 a The decre and ordinance of God, touching the restauracion of the Church, which is chiefly ment of the time of Chirst.
2 ! The Church shalbe restored by Christ, and the Gentiles called.
3 e Meaning, the whole doctrine of salvacion.
3 f This was accomplished, when the Gospel was First preached in Jerusalem, and from thence went through all the worlde.
4 h That they may acknowledge their sinnes, & turne to him.
4 i He sheweth the frute of the peace, which the Gospel shulde bring: to wit, that men shulde do good one to another, where as before they were enemies.
4 k He speaketh not against the vse of weaponsand lawful warre, but sheweth how the hearts of the godlie shalbe affected one toward another: which peace and loue doeth beginne and growe in this life, but shal be perfited, when we are joyned with our head Christ Jesus.
6 m The Prophet seing the smale hope, that the Jewes wolde convert, complaineth to God, as thogh he had vtterly forsaken them for their sinnes.
6 n Ful of the corruptions that reigned chiefly in the East partes.
6 ! The punishement of the rebellious & obstinate.
6 o They altogether giue them selves to the facions of other nacions.
7 p The Prophet first condemned their supersticion and idolatrie: next their couetousnes, and thirdly, their vaine trust in worldelie meanes.
9 r Thus the Prophet spake, but inflamed with the zeale of Gods glorie, & that he might feare them with Gods judgement.
14 t By high trees & mountaines are ment them that are proude, and loftie, and thinke them selves moste strong in this worlde.
16 u He condemneth their vaine confidence, which they had in strong holdes, & in their riche marchandise, which broght in vaine pleasures, wherewith mens mindes became effeminate.
20 x They shal cast them into moste vile and filthie places, when thei perceiue that they are not able to helpe them.