1 ! The difference of foolishnes and wisdome.
2 a So that he doeth all things wel, & justly, where as the foole doeth the contrary.
3 b By his doings he bewraieth him self.
4 c If thy superiour be angry with thee, be thou discrete, & not moued.
5 d Meaning, that it is an euil thing when thei that are in autoritie, faile, & do not their duetie.
6 e They that are riche in wisdome and vertue.
10 f Without wisdome what soeuer a man taketh in hand turneth to his owne hurte.
11 ! A sclanderer is like a serpent that can not be charmed.
15 g The ignorance & beastlines of the wicked is such, that thei knowe not commune things, & yet wil thei discusse hie matters.
16 i Are giuen to their lustes & pleasures.
16 h That is, without wisdome and counsel.
16 ! Of foolish Kings, and dronken princes.
17 k Meaning, when he is noble for vertue & wisdome & with the giftes of God.
17 ! And of good Kings and princes.
20 l Thou canst not worke euil so secretly, but it shal be knowen.