1 a He that loueth wisdome, wil separate him self from all imediments, and giue him selfe wholly to seke it.
2 b That is, that he may talke licenciously of whatsouer cometh to minde.
3 c Meaning, suche one as contemneth all others.
4 d Which can neuer be drawne empite, but bring euer profite.
5 e That is, to fauour him & support him.
8 f Thei are sone beleued & enter most depely.
10 g He sheweth what is the refuge of the godlie against all troubles.
14 h The minde can wel beare the infirmitie of the bodie, but when the spirit is wounded, it is a thing moste hard to susteine.
16 i Getteth him libertie to speake, & fauour of them that rae moste in estimation.
17 k He that speaketh first, is best heard of the wicked judge, but when his aduersarie inquireth out the matter, it turneth to his shame.
17 k If a controuersie can not otherwise be decided, it is best to cast lottes to knowe whose the thing shalbe.
18 m Appeaseth their controuersie which are so stoute that can not otherwise be pacified.
19 n Which for the strength thereof wil not bowe nor yelde.
21 o By the vsing of the tongue wel or euil, cometh the frute thereof ether good or bad.
22 p He that is joyned with a vertuous woman in mariage is blessed of the Lord, as {Chap. 19,14}
24 q that is, often times suche are found which are more readie to do pleasure then he that is more bounde by duetie.