1 a Whereby is signified, that albeit we be in neuer so great miseries, yet, there is euer place left for praier.
1 b He declareth that in our praier we must liuely fele that, which we desire and stedfastly beleue to obteine.
3 c These excessiue kindes of speache shew how muche the afflictions of the Church oght to wounde the heartes of the godlie.
10 h He sheweth that the afflictions did not onely thus moue him, but chiefly the feling of Gods displeasure.
12 i How soeuer we be fraile, yet thy promes is sure & the remembrance thereof shal confirme vs for euer.
14 l The more that the Church is in miserie and desolation the more oght the faithful to loue and pitie it.
16 ! A consolation for the building of the Church:
18 n The deliuerance of the Church is a moste excellent benefite & therefore he compareth it to a newe creation: for in their banishment the bodie of the Church semed to haue bene dead, which by deliuerance was as it were created anewe.
18 ! Whereof followeth the praise of God to be published vnto all posteritie.
22 p He sheweth that Gods Name is neuer more praised, then when religion florisheth, and the Church increaseth: which thing is chiefly accomplished vnder the kingdome of Christ.
22 ! The conuersion of the Gentiles
23 q The Church lament that thie se not the time of Christ, which was promised, but haue but fewe yeres and short daies.
26 r If heauen & earth perish, muche more man shal perish: but the Church by reason of Gods promes endureth for euer.
28 s Seing you hast chosen thy Church our of the worlde, & joyned it to thee, it can not but continue for euer: for you are euerlasting.
28 ! And the stabilitie of the Church.