1 ! The Israelites complaine to God for the great calamitie and oppression that thei suffred by Gods enemies.
1 a The people crye vnot God against the barbarous tyranie of the Babylonians, who spoiled Gods inheritance, polluted his Temple, destroied his religion & murthered his people.
2 b The Prophet sheweth to what extremities God Suffreth sometime his Church to fall, to exercise their faith before he set to his hand to deliuer them.
4 d Whereof some came of Abraham, but were degenerate: & others were open enemies to thy religion, but thei bothe laughed at our miseries.
8 f Which we & our fathers haue committed.
8 g And staie not til we haue recompenced for our sinnes.
9 h Seing we haue none other Sauiour, nether can we helpe our selues, and also by our saluacion thy Name shalbe praised, therefore, O Lord, helpe vs.
11 i Who thoug in respect of God thei were justely punished for their sinnes, yet in consideration of teir cuase, were vnjustly murthered.
13 l We oght to desire no benefite of God, but on this condition to praise his Name, {Isa. 43, 21}