1 ! He praieth in faith, established by the worde of the promes.
3 c Thou hast infinite meanes, & all creatures are at thy commandement: therefore shew some signe, whereby I shalbe deliuered.
5 e He strengtheneth his faith by the experience of Gods benefites, who did not onely preserue him in his mothers belly, but toke him thence, & euer since hathe preserued him.
7 f All the worlde wondereth at me because of my miseries, aswel thei in autoritie, as the common people, yet being assured of thy fauour I remained stedfast.
9 g Thou that didst helpe me in my youth, when I had more strength, helpe me now so muche the more in mine olde age & weakenes.
11 h Thus the wicked bothe blaspheme God & triumph against his Saints, as thogh he had forsaken them, if he suffer them to fall into their hands.
12 i In calling him his God, he putteth backe the false reportes of the aduersaries, that said, God had forsaken him.
15 k Because thy benefites toward me are innumberable, I can not but continually meditate & rehearse them.
18 m He desireth that as he hathe begonne, he wolde so continue his benefites, that his liberalitie maie haue perfite praise.
19 o His faith breaketh through all tentacions, & by this exclamation he praiseth the power of God.
20 p As he confesseth that God is the onelie autor of his deliuerance: so he acknowledgeth that these euils were sent vnto him by Gods prouidence.
22 q He confesseth that his long tariance was wel recompensed, when God performed his promes.