1 b Thogh he was bothe hungrie & in great thistres, yet he made God his sufficiencie & aboue all meate & drinke.
1 a To wit, of Ziph, {1 Sam. 23, 14}
1 ! Dauid, after he had bene in great danger by Saul in the desert of Ziph, made this psalme.
2 c In this miserie I exercise my self in the contemplation of thy powers & glorie, as if I were thy Sanctuarie.
3 ! Wherein he giueth thankes to God for his wonderful deliuerance in whose mercies he trusted euen in the middes of his miseries.
5 d The remembrance of thy fauour is more swete vnto me then all the pleasures and denties of the worlde.
10 f He prophecieth of the destruction of Saul, & them that take his parte, whose bodies shal not be buried, but he deuoured with wilde beastes.
11 ! And contraiwise happines to all them that trust in the Lord.