1 ! Dauid complained because he was broght into suche extremities, that he was past all hope, but after he had rehearsed the sorowes & griefs, where with he was vexed.
1 / Or, the hinde of the morning & this was the name of some commune song.
1 b Being tormented with extreme anguish.
1 a Here appeareth that horrible conflict, which he susteined betwene faith & desperation.
1 a Here appeareth that horrible conflict, which he susteined betwene faith & desperation.
1 b Being tormented with extreme anguish.
2 / Or, I cease not.
3 c He meaneth the place of praising, euen the Tabernacle: or els it is so called, because he gaue the people continually occasion to praise him.
3 c He meaneth the lace of praising, euen the Tabernacle: or els it is so called, because he gaue the people continually occasion to praise him.
6 d And seming moste miserable of all creatures, which was ment of Christ. And herein appeareth the vnspeakable loue of God toward man, that he wolde thus abase his sonne for our sakes.
9 e Euen from my birth thou hast giuen me occasion to trust in thee.
10 ! He recouereth him self from the bottomles pit of tentations and groweth in hope. And here vnder his owne persone he setteth forthe the figure of Christ, whome he did forese by the Spririt of prophecie, that he shulde maruelously, & strangely be detested & abased, before his Father shulde raise & exalte him againe.
10 f For except Gods prouidence preserue the infants, they shulde perish a thousand times in the mothers wombe.
12 g He meaneth, that his enemies were so fat, proude and cruel, that they were rather beastes then men.
14 h Before, he spake of the crueltie of his enemies, and now he declareth the inwarde griefs of the minde, so that Christ was tormented, bothe in soule and bodie.
16 k Thus Dauid complaineth as thogh he were nailed by his enemies bothe hands & fete but this was accomplished in Christ.
21 m Christ is deliuered with amore mightie deliuerance by ouer comming death, then if he had not tasted death at all.
25 p Which were sacrifices of thankesgiuing, which they offred by Gods commandment when thei were deliuered our of any great danger.
29 r Thogh the poore be first named, as {ver. 26}, yet the welthie are not separated from the grace of Christs kingdome.
29 s In whome there is no hope that he shal recouer life: so nether poore nor riche, quicke nor dead shalbe from his kingdome.