3 a He sheweth that when we speake of God we must lift our spirits more hie, then our natural sense is able to reache.
4 b Thou shalt perceiue that I am a faithful instructour, & that I speak to thee in the name of God.
5 c Strong and constant, & of vnderstanding: for these are the gifts of God, & he loueth them in man: but for asmuche as God punished now Job, it is a signe that these are not in him.
6 d Therefore he wil not preserue the wicked: but to the humble & afflicted heart he wil shewe grace.
9 f He wil moue their heartes to fele their sinnes that thei may come to him by repentance as he did Manasseh.
13 i When they are in affliction they seke not to God for succour, as Asa. {2Chro. 16,12}, {reuel. 16,11}
13 ! The propertie of the wicked.
17 m Thou art altogether after the maner of the wicked: for thou doest murmure against the justice of God.
25 q The workes of God are so manifest, that a man may se them a farre of and knowe God by the same.
30 x That men can not come to the knowledge or the springs thereof.
31 y He sheweth that the raine hathe double vse: the one it declareth Gods judgements, when it doeth ouerflowe any places, & the other that it maketh the land fruteful.