5 c That is, hathe afflictied me without measure.
6 e I am sorer punished, then my sinne deserueth.
8 g Meaning, that Job was like to the wicked, because he semed not to glorifie God, & submit him selfe to his judgements.
9 h He wrasteth Jobs wordes, who said that Gods children are oft times punished in this worlde, & the wicked go fre.
9 i That is, liue godly, as {Gen 5,22}.
14 l The breath of life, which he gaue man.
18 n If man of nature feare to speake euil of such as haue power, then muche more oght their to be afraid to speake euil of God.
20 p The messengers of or visitation that God shal send.
24 r For all his creatures are at hand to serue him. so that he nedeth not to seke for anie other armie.
25 t Declare the things that were hid.
30 y When tyrants sit in the throne of justice which vnder pretence of executing justice are but hypocrites & oppresse the people, it is a signe that God hathe drawen backe his countenance and sauour from that place.
30 ! By him the hypocrite reigneth.
32 a Thus Elihu speaketh in the persone of God, as it were mocking Job because he wolde be wiser then God.
33 c Thus he speaketh in the persone of God, as thogh Job shulde chuse & refuse affliction at his pleasure.