1 ! Job complaineth of the prosperitie of the time past.
3 a When I felt his fauour.
3 b I was fre from affliction.
4 c That is, semed by euident tokens to be more present with me.
6 d By these similitudes he declareth the great prosperitie, that he was in, so that he had none occasion to be suche as a sinner as they accused him.
8 e Being ashamed of their lightnes, and afraied of my gravitie.
9 f Acknowledgeing my wisdome.
11 h Testifying that I did good justice.
11 g All that heard me, praised me.
12 ! Justice and equitie.
12 i Because his aduersaries did so much charge him with wickednes, he is compelled to rendre a counte of his life.
13 k That is, I did succour him that was in destresse, and so he had cause to praise me.
14 l I delited to do justice as others did, to weare costely apparel.
18 m That is, at home in my bed without all trouble, and vnquietnes.
19 n My felicitie doeth increase.
22 o That is, was pleasant vnto them.
23 p As the drye grounde thirsteth for the raine.
24 q That is, thei thoght it not to be a jest, or thei thoght not that I wold condescend vnto them.
24 r They were afraied to offend me, and cause me to be angrie.
25 s I had them at commandement.