6 c He brasteth out againe into his passions and declareth stil that his affliction cometh of God, thogh he be not able to fele the cause in himself.
15 h Mine houshold seruantes: by all these losses Job sheweth that touching the flesh he had great occasion to be moued.
20 k Besides these great losses & moste cruel vnkindenes, he was touched in his owne person as followeth.
21 m Seing I haue these just causes to complaine, condemne me not as an hypocrite, specially ye which shulde comfort me.
22 o To se my body punished, except ye trouble my minde?
24 p He protesteth that notwithstanding his sore passions, his religion is pefite, & that he is not a blasphemer, as thei judged him.
25 q I do not so justifie myselfe before the worlde, but I knowe that I shal come before the great judge, who shalbe my deliuerer & Sauiour.
25 ! He assureth him selfe of the generall resurection.
26 r Herein Job declareth plainely that he had a ful hope, that bothe the soule and body shulde enjoye the presence of God in the last resurrection.