2 b Which had age and discretion to vnderstand.
2 ! Ezra gathereth together the people, and readeth to them the Law.
3 c This declareth the great zeale, that the people had to heare the worde of God.
5 d To the intent that his joyce might be the better heard.
9 e In considering their offenses against the Law. Therefore the Leuites do not reproue them for mourning but assure them of Gods mercies for asmuche as they are repentant.
10 f That is, remember the poore.
10 g Rejoyce in the Lord, and he wil giue you strength.
12 ! They rejoyce in Israel for the knowledge of the worde of God.
15 / Or, godly branches, as {Leu. 23,40}
15 ! They kepe the feast of Tabernacles or boothes.
16 h For their houses were made flat aboue, read {Deu. 22,8}
17 i Which was almost a thousand yeres.