8 a Which was hie Priest after that Abiathar was deposed, according to the prophecie of Eli the Priest, {1 Sam. 2, 31}
10 b And did valiantly resist King Vzzah, who would haue vsurped the Priests office, {2 Chro. 26, 17}
10 ! The genealogie of the sonnes of Leui.
31 f After it was broght to that place where the Temple shulde be built & was no more caryed to & fro.
31 ! Their ordre in the ministerie of the Tabernacle.
39 / Or, confid ???
48 k Read {Nomb 4,4}
54 l Or, cities which were giuen to the Leuites.
54 m Thei were first appointed, and prepared for.
57 o That he that had killed a man might flee thereunto for succour til his cause were tryed, {Deu 19, 2}
61 r That is, thei gaue a protion to the Kohathites, which were the remnant of the tribe of Leui, out of the halfe tribe of Manasseh and out of Ephraim, {vers. 66}
70 / Or, Gath-rimmon.
71 / Or, Beeshterah {Josh. 21,27}
76 / Or, Kartan, {Josh. 21,32}
77 / Or Katah, {Josh. 21,34}