3 a Thogh Judah was not Jaakobs eldest sonne, yet he sirst beginneth at him because he wolde come to the genealogie of Dauid, of whome came Christ.
6 b Of these read {1 Kings 4,31}
24 i Meaning the chief & prince
31 k Who dyed whiles his father was alyue and therefore is is said, {vers. 34} that Sheshan had no sonnes.
42 l That is the chief gouernor or prince of the Ziphims, because the prince oght to haue a fatherlie care and affection toward his people.
46 m This difference was betwene the wife and the concubine, that the wife was taken with certeine soleminities of marriage, and her children did inherit: the concubine had no soleminities in mariage, nether did her children inherit, but had a porcien of godds or money giuen them.
54 n Meaning, the chief & principal.
55 p Read {Nob. 10,29}, & {judg. 1, 16}