2 b Thogh the wicked rage against Gods children, yet he holdeth them backe that they can not execute their malice.
4 c So hard a thing it is to bridel our impacience in affliction that the saints colde not ouercome the same.
7 d He declareth that except God had nourished him miraculously, it had not bene possible for him to haue gone this journey.
10 e He complaineth, that the more zealous that he shewed him self to mainteine Gods glorie, the more cruelly was he persecuted.
11 f For the nature of man is not able to come nere vnto God, if he shoulde appeare in his strength & ful majestie, & therefore of his mercie he submitteth him self to our capacitie.
14 g We oght not to depend on the multitude in mainteining Gods glorie, but because our duetie so requireth, we oght to do it.
15 ! He is commanded to anoint Hazael, Jehu, and Elisha.