1 a By the meanes of the hie Priest, as {1 Sam. 23,2} & {2 sam. 5,19}
1 b Which citie was also called Kiriath-arba, {Josh. 14,15}.
3 c In the time of his persecution.
4 ! Dauid is anoynted King in Hebron.
6 d According to his promes, which is to recompence them that are merciful.
7 e So that you shal not want a captaine & a defender.
9 f Ouer the eleuen tribes.
9 ! Abner maketh Ish-bosheth King ouer Israel.
11 g After this time was expired, he reigned ouer all the countrey 33 yeres, {Chap. 5,5}.
14 h Let vs se how they can handle their weapons.
15 ! The battel of the seruants of Dauid and Ish-bosheth.
16 i Meaning, his aduersarie.
16 / Or, the field of strong men.
17 k After that these foure & twentie were slaine.
22 l Why doest you prouoke me to kil thee?
23 m Some read, in those partes, where as they liuely partes lye: as the heart, the lungs, the liuer, the milt, and the gall.
26 n Shal we not make an end of murthering?
27 o If you hadest not prouked them to battel, as {ver. 14}.
31 p Thus God wolde confirme Dauid in his kingdome by the destruction of his aduersaries.
32 ! The buryal of Asahel.