1 a Which was a citie in the tribe of Judah, {Josh. 15,44}.
3 b That is in the middes of Judah, muche more when we come to the borders against our enemies.
5 ! Dauid chaseth the Philistims from Keilah
6 c By Gods prouidence the Ephod was preserued & kept with Dauid the true King.
9 d To consult with the Lord by Vrim & Thummim.
13 ! Dauid departeth from Keilah, and remaineth in the wildernes of Ziph.
13 / Or, to & fro, as hauing no certeine place to go to.
14 e No power nor policie can preuaile against Gods children but when he appointeth the time.
16 ! Jonathan comforteth Dauid.
17 f Jonathan assureth Dauid, that God wil accomplish his promes & that his farther stiueth against his owne conscience.
19 / Or of the wildernes.
21 g The Lord recompence the friendship.
22 / Ebr. where his fote hathe bene.
23 h In your countrey of Ziph, which is in Judah.
25 i Which was also in the tribe of Judah {Josh. 15,55}
27 k Thus, the Lord can put backe the bridel of the tyrants, & deliuer his out of the lions mouthe.
28 ! Sauls enterprise is broken in pursuing Dauid