1 / Ebr. a man of mightie force.
1 ! Iphtah being chased by his brethren, was after made captaine.
1 / Ebr. man of mightie force.
2 a That is, of an harlot as {ver. 1}.
2 a That is, of an harlot, as {ver. 1}.
3 c Joyned with him as some thinke, against his brethren.
3 b Where the gouernour of the countrey was called Tob.
3 b Where the gouernour of the countrey was called Tob.
3 c Joyned with him, as some thinke, against his brethren.
5 d Or, ambassadors, sent for that purpose.
5 d Or, ambassadours,sent for that purpose.
6 e Men oft times are constrained to desire helpe of them, whome before they haue refused.
6 e Men of times are constrained to desire helpe of them, whome before they haue refused.
7 f Oft tymes, those things, which men reject, God choseth to do great enterprises by.
20 g He trusted them not to go through his countrey.
24 h For we oght more to beleue and obey God, then thou thine idoles.
26 i Meaning, their to wines.
27 k To punishe the offender.
29 l That is, the spirit of strength and zeale.
30 ! He maketh a rashe vowe.
30 m As the Apostie commendeth Iphtah for his worthy enterprise in deliuering the people, Ebr. 11, 32, so by his rashe vowe & wicked performance of the same, his victorie was defated: and here we se that the sinnes of the godly do not vtterly extinguisa their faith.
32 ! He vanquisheth the Ammonites.
34 n According to the maner after the victorie.
35 o Being ouercome with blinde zeale, and not considering whether the vowe was lauful or no.
37 p For it was counted as a shame in Israel to dye without children, and therefore they rejoyced to be maryed.
39 ! And sacrificeth his daughter according to his vowe.