1 ! Reubin, Gad and the halfe tribe of Manasseh are sent againe to their possessions.
10 / Ebr. Geliloch whch countrey also was called Canaan because the Amorites dwelling there were called Canaanites.
10 f That is, beyond Jorden: for some time the whole countrey on bothe sides of Jorden is ment by Canaan.
12 g Suche now was their zeal, that they wolde rather lose their liues, then suffer the true religion to be changed or corrupted.
17 i Meaning, God is not pacified, for as muche as no punishment can be sufficient for suche wickednes and idolatrie.
19 l To vse anie other seruice then God hathe appointed, is to rebel against God, {1 Sam. 15,23}.
28 p They signifie a wonderful care that they bare towarde their posteritie, that they might liue in the true seruice of God.
31 q By perseruing vs and gouerning vs.
33 / Ebr. said.