1 ! Moses is the meane betwene God and the people.
1 / Ebr. I speake in your eares.
3 a Some read, God made not this couenant, that is, in suche ample sort & with suche signes and wonders.
4 b So plainely that you nede not to doute thereof.
7 c God bindeth vs to serue him onely, without supersticion and idolatrie.
9 d That is, of his honour, not permitting it to be giuen it to other.
10 e The first degre to kepe the commandements is, to loue God.
13 f Meaning, since God permitteth six daies to our labours, that we oght wilingly to dedicat the seuenth to serue him wholy.
16 g Not for a shewe, but with true obedience, and due reuerence.
21 h He speaketh not onely on the resolute wil, but that there be no motion or affection.
22 i teaching vs by his example to content with his worde, and adde nothing thereto.
23 ! The people are afraide at Gods voyce.
29 k He requireth of vs nothing but obedience, shewing also that of our selues we are vnwiling thereunto.
29 ! The Lord wisheth that the people wolde feare him.
32 m As by obedience, God giueth vs all felecitie: so disobeying God precede all our miseries.
32 l Ye, shal nether adde nor diminishe.
32 ! They must nether decline to the right hand nor left.