1 a Therefore beside the commandement of the Lord, thei had juste occasion of his parte to fight against him.
11 d The more terrible that this gyant was, the greater occasion had they to glorifie God for the victorie.
11 ! The bignes of his bed.
18 g That is, the Reubenites, Gadites, and half Mannasseh, as {Nomb. 32,21}
21 ! Joshua is made captaine.
24 i He speaketh according to the common and corrupt speeche of them which attribute that power vnto idoles that onelie apperteineth vnto God.
24 / Or, wonders.
27 l As before he sawe by the spirit of prophecie the good mountaine, which was Zion, so here his eyes were lifted vp aboue the ordre of nature to beholde all the plentiful land of Canaan.
27 ! Moses is permitted to se the land, but not to entre, albeit he desired it.