2 ! The people committeth fornicacion with the daughters of Moab.
3 b Worshipped the idole of the Moabites, which was in the hill Peor.
4 c Openly, in the sight of all.
5 d Let him se execucion done of them that are vnder his charge.
6 e Repenting that thei had offended God.
8 / Or, in her tent. Chald. & Grek, in her secrets.
9 ! Phinehas killeth Zimri & Cozbi.
11 ! God maketh his couenant with Phinehas.
11 f He was zealous to mainteine my glorie.
13 g He hathe pacified Gods wrath.
14 / Ebr. of the house of the father.
17 ! God commandeth to kil the Midianites.
18 h Causing you to commit both corporal and spiritual fornicacion by Balaams counsel, {Chap. 31,16}, reu. 2,14}.