1 a If you trespas in anie thing concerning the ceremonies of the Sanctuarie, or your office, you shalbe punished.
1 ! The office of Aaron & his sonnes.
3 b That is, the things which are committed to thee: or, which thou dost enjoyne them.
4 c Which was not of the tribe of Leui.
8 ! The Priests parte of the offrings.
8 d As the first frute, firstborne, and the tenthes.
9 e That which was not burned shulde be the Priests.
10 f That is, in the Sanctuarie, betwene the court & the Holiest of all.
11 g Read {Leuit. 10,14}.
12 h That is, the chiefest, or the best.
17 i Because thei are appointed for sacrifice.
19 k That is, sure, stable & incorruptible.
20 ! God is their portion.
22 m To serue therein: for the Leuites are put in their place.
23 n If they faile in their office they shalbe punished.
26 ! The Leuites haue the tithes, and offre the tenthes thereof to the Lord.
27 o As acceptable as the frute of your owne grounde, or vineyarde.
29 p Which ye haue receiued of the children of Israel.
31 r As is in the {11 vers}.
32 s Ye shal not be punished therefore.
32 t The offrings which the Israelites haue offred to God.