1 a Vpon the which the swete perfume was burnt. {vers. 34}.
9 f But it must onely serue to burne perfume.
12 g Whereby he testified that he redemed his life which he had forfait, as is declared by Dauid, {2 Sam. 24,1}.
13 h This shekel valued two commune shekels: & the gerah valued about a pence, after 5 shill. sterl. the once of siluer.
16 & The Lauer of Brasse A The fundation or fote of the Lauer. B The Lauer, Because Moses describeth not the maner of this Lauer, this figure is made after the facion of Salomons, which semeth to be moste agreable to this, {1King. 7,38} saue in stede of wheles are put barres to beare it, as in the other figures also appeareth.
16 ! The brasen Lauer.
23 n It is a kinde of reede of a very swete sauour within & is vsed in poudres & odours.
23 ! The anointing Oyle.
34 ! The making of the perfume.