1 a This example teacheth that too muche libertie is not to be giuen to youthe.
3 / Ebr. spake to the heart of the maide.
4 b This proueth that the consent of parents is requisite in mariage, seing the very infideles did also observe it as a thing necessarie.
7 / Ebr. multiply greatly the dowry.
8 ! Hamor asketh her in mariage for his sonne.
14 c They made the holy ordinance of God a meane to compasse their wicked purpose.
14 d As it is abomination for them that are baptised to joine with infideles.
15 e Their faute is the greater, in that thei make religion a cloak for their craft.
20 f For the people vsed to assemble there, and justice was also ministred.
21 g Thus many pretend to speake for a publike profit, when they only speake for their owne priuate gaine and commoditie.
22 ! The Shechemites are circumcised at the request of Jaakobs sonnes, and the persuasion of Hamor.
23 h Thus they lack no kinde of persuasion, which preferre their owne commodities before the common welth.
25 ! The whoredome is reuenged.
25 k The people are punished with their wicked princes.
25 i For they were the chief of the companie.
26 / Ebr. mouthe of the sworde.
28 ! Jaakob reproueth his sonnes.