1 ! Abraham taketh Keturah to wife, and getteth many children.
6 b For by the vertue of Gods worde he had not onely Izhak, but begate many mo.
6 c Read {chap. 22,24}.
6 ! Abraham giueth all his goods to Izhak.
8 e Hereby the ancients signified that man by deathe perished not wholy: but as the soules of the godlie liued after in perpetual joy, so the soules of the wicked in perpetual peine.
18 g He meaneth that his lot fel to dwel among his brethren as the Angel promesd. {chap. 16,12}.
22 / Or, hurt one another.
22 h That is, with childe, seing one shal destroye another.
27 / Or, simple and innocent.
30 ! Esau selleth his birth right for a messe of potage.
32 k The reprobate esteme not Gods benefites except they fele them presently, & therfore they preferre present pleasures.