0 ! In writing this Epistle Paul semed not onely to haue respect to teache Timotheus, but chiefly to kepe other in awe, which wolde haue rebelled against him, because of his youth. And therefore he doeth arme him against those ambitious questionistes, which vnder pretence of zeale to the Law, disquieted the godlie with foolish and vnprofitable questions, whereby they declared, that professing the Law they knewe not what was the chief end of the Law. And as for him self, he so confesseth his vnworthines, that he sheweth to what worthines the grace of God hathe preferred him: and therefore he willeth praiers to be made for all degrees, and sortes of men, because that God by offring his Gospel and Christ his Sonne to them all, is indifferent to euerie sorte of men, as his Apostleship, which is peculiar to the Gentiles, witnesseth. And forasmuche as God hathe left ministers as ordinarie meanes in his Church to bring men to saluacion, he describeth what maner of men they oght to be, to whome they mysterie of the Sonne of God manifested in flesh is committed to be preached. After this he sheweth him what trouble the Church at all times shal susteine, but specially in the latter dayes, when as vnder pretence of religions men shal teache things contrarie to the worde of God. This done, he teacheth what widdowes shulde be receiued or refused to minister to the sicke: also what Elders oght to be chosen into office, exhorting him nether to be hastie in admitting, nor in judging anie: also what is the duetie of seruants, the nature of false teachers, of vaine speculacions, of couetousnes, of riche men, and aboue all things he chargeth him to beware false doctrine.